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M2000-B M3000-B Datasheet Access

  • FOBA M SERIES workstation

    M2000-B M3000-B

    The M-Series is FOBA's new generation of advanced laser marking work- stations for the precise and economic processing of small, large and geo- metrically complex workpieces as well as small and large batches of parts. The M-Series is available in two sizes (M2000, M3000) and three model options each (B: with worktable, R: with turntable, P: with axes X/Y/Z).

    The M2000-B and M3000-B laser workstations are equipped with a programmable Z-axis, a worktable and an electric lift door. The manually loaded general purpose marking machine is perfect for marking smaller and larger parts – among others in the automotive and tools and metal industries, mechanical engineering, medical technology or in many plastic processing industries.
