What is IMP?
IMP (Intelling Mark Positioning) is an optional vision package for a certain range of FOBA laser systems. This vision package contains of a camera and an own vision software, which is seamlessly integrated into the standard FOBA laser software MarkUS. So no extra separate software for IMP.
How do you benefit from IMP?
It will mark the right parts and mark the parts right.
To help you achieve this, IMP has various features:
- Premark verification => checks if the right parts is on the table => checks if the part is already marked
- Mark alignment => aligns the mark automatically to the parts (X,Y, and rotation)
- Postmark verification
- checks if the mark is in the right position (X, Y, and rotation)
- checks if the mark content is complete, legible and matches the content to be marked (OCV = optical character verification).
- In addition to this, the IMP package contains all Point & Shoot features.