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Covid-19 – We’re Taking the Tests

COVID testing

For the benefit of both our staff and our customers, TLM are now signed up to the government’s free Covid-19 workplace testing programme.

Along with “Hands, Face, Space”, regular testing is seen as an important tool in stopping Covid-19 transmission as sectors of society are steadily reopened.

Around one in three people who contract coronavirus never show any symptoms but can still be infectious. Which means they can be spreading the virus to others without even realising it.

With regular testing, these cases can be detected quickly and so help prevent the virus from entering workplaces and stopping outbreaks before they occur.

Lateral flow testing

For rapid testing, we are offering our staff lateral flow tests at our Bromsgrove premises. We are also offering test to all homeworking staff and engineers travelling to site. Data from these tests are recorded on the central register as well as Track and Trace.

During the pandemic, our staff have worked remotely whenever possible but in cases such as installing laser equipment or carrying out major servicing or repairs, our specialists and engineers need to attend customers’ premises.

These free rapid tests help give peace of mind to both our staff and the customers they visit.

A Covid-19 outbreak can close any business. Regular testing could make the difference between staying open and operational or needing to close.

For more details of our Covid-19 testing programme, please contact