With over 100 exhibitors and 2,000 visitors in 2011, this event provides a one-stop shop for manufacturers in search of innovation through micro, nano or MEMS manufacturing technologies.

After a successful debut in 2011, the 2012 event will see the growing micro manufacturing event MM Live UK co-locate with MEMS Live UK, specifically focusing on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) manufacturing technologies. Often integrated in both MEMS and micro manufacturing, nano manufacturing technologies also have their own dedicated area on the exhibition floor with NANO Live UK.

TLM Laser will be displaying some of the very latest equipment from its innovative product partners.

Virtually every manufacturing company has a laser marking requirement. The TLM Laser stand will feature FOBA’s Intelligent Marking Positioning (IMP) system allowing unbeatable accuracy. A selection of FOBA’s other marking and engraving products will also be on display.

Alpha Laser has been at the forefront of making laser welding faster and more precise. The stand will be showing you just why. And for safety’s sake, take a look at the wide range of Univet’s laser protection eyewear.

Visit us on Stand 17 in Hall 3


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