Making Our Mark in the Community

Landslides in 2014 and 2018 closed part of the esplanade at East Cowes, Isle of Wight. A popular walking spot with wonderful sea views was no longer accessible to the public.

This loss of an amenity was not something the people of East Cowes were going to taker lying down. Hence the birth of the East Cowes Esplanade and Landslip Community Project.

Sponsored rock-filled baskets

Following consultation and fund raising from local volunteers, businesses and organisations including the Isle of Wight Council, the three month project came into being.

This was mainly down to the local community donating over £27,000 towards the project, volunteers providing 1000 hours of clean-ups to make the site ready plus further funding contributions from the government, council and local businesses.

A major factor in the improvement work is the use of rock-filled baskets to stabilise the soft slopes.

Residents have paid for many of these baskets and in return receive a “free plaque” for their rock basket with their name on.

East Cowes born and bred

The original idea behind the plaques was to make them from wood that was generated by the fallen/chopped down trees involved in the project works.

However, demand was such that there was not enough of this wood to go round. On top of this, it would have taken 700 volunteer hours to apply the names to them.

To the rescue came East Cowes born and bred and TLM co-owner, Andy Toms.

250 rock-filed baskets now bear laser marked metal plates proudly showing each individual basket sponsor’s name.

Created for free at TLM’s in-house marking facility, the plaques are marked in seconds rather than the hours it would have taken to carve the wooden versions.

Made of passivated stainless steel, they are sure to outlast anything made of wood and probably their sponsors too!


TLM are also long term sponsors of Xcel Performance Coaching.

Xcel provides sports performance coaching in football and five-a-side futsai, working with young individuals, small groups and teams.

It also carries out a leading role in organising showcase fixtures on the mainland and on the Isle of Wight, particularly for under-7s to under-10s.

TLM provide sponsorship for a selection of these events. One of the latest examples being to sponsor the coach of the Xcel Performance Coaching under 19 side travelling to St Lucia this summer. They will be taking part in the inaugural Free Kick Youth Cup.

We wish them the best of luck!

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